Detroit Lions Dan Skipper Twitter has….

Detroit Lions offensive lineman Dan Skipper still does has not have many positive thoughts or words to describe what happened at AT&T Stadium in the team’s 20-19 loss. 

“I still don’t have a lot of positive thoughts. I really don’t have a lot of positive words,” Skipper told a small group of reporters after practice Wednesday. “I appreciate the shot across the bow (from the NFL with their released video). But at the same time, if we’re getting paid to play, paid to report or anything, we ought to know the difference between reporting as eligible and personnel.

“So, we can sit here and argue the semantics over that. But it’s ultimately it’s up to me as the player to make sure it’s done properly. And we’ll leave it there.”

The 29-year-old referenced, when asked, the hand signal that was caught on video was signaling to indicate it was 12-jumbo personnel.  

“Pretty standard is jumbo,” Skipper explained. “And then, you know, various hand signals depending on what jumbo — if it’s 11, 12, 13, 23, like those all have have different signals. Obviously when you’re on the road, you can’t hear. And you also couldn’t hear — like you can’t hear over the intercom when they say that. So, every freaking guy on the Cowboys was pointing at Penei, that he’s eligible, because no one heard anything. I think the media, I think were the only people that heard it through the intercom.”

Skipper indicated he understood pretty clearly how to report or not report as eligible. 

“Typically, you have to go up to the official. You can watch it all year. You can watch first quarter, play four. Granted I only did it once during the game this week, so the multiple times throughout the game, also not true. But we’ll leave that there,” Skipper noted. “When you walk up, you say, ‘Sir, I am reporting as eligible.’ It’s not like a five-yard, take a left turn thing. 

“I’ve gotten that penalty before, y’all can find that one. But that was a similar situation where you’re reporting and don’t get, ‘I am reporting as eligible.’ That’s how it is, that’s how it goes. Y’all can watch it all season, like it’s clear as (expletive). You walk up.” 

In Detroit, the support has been overwhelming. Online, likely from Cowboys supporters, Skipper has faced some likely harsh comments, either sent to him in a direct message or sent directly to him. 

“Just a bunch of keyboard warriors. It’s a good thing there’s a delete button on Twitter,” said Skipper. “The city of Detroit has been great. Driving to work, it’s fun. I don’t know who paid for all that, but it’s good to see (the local billboards). At some point, everyone has to move forward from this.”

Like the rest of the players on the roster and the coaching staff, Skipper is ready to move forward from what transpired in Dallas. 

“Let’s move this thing along — like s**t happens, it is what it is.”

For Skipper, the whole situation did not cost him his job, so there are silver linings after a tough loss. 

“You can’t sit here and wallow in the past. Like my f***ing 30 contracts,” said Skipper. “Like, it was egregious that I got my ass cut. You screw up egregiously enough, you get fired. So, for me not to get fired, wasn’t that bad on my hand, so let’s move along.” 

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