How the newest “Indiana Jones” movie has a very youthful…
The fifth “Indiana Jones” movie has not yet been given a title, so don’t let your eyes trick you. In reality, Harrison Ford is not getting older. With the help of special effects, the eighty-year-old can be made to appear as the youthful man he was in the previous films. The movie is able to superimpose vintage Ford film from earlier films over new video by using ILM software.
“Although it will be discussed in terms of technology, my hope is that you will simply watch it and exclaim, ‘Oh my God, they just found footage.'” Producer Kathleen Kennedy told Empire Magazine, “This was something they shot 40 years ago.”
It’s a touch unsettling, he remarked. “I don’t think I even want to know how it works, but it works.” Despite having a distinct look, Ford does not long for the “good ‘ol days.” “Doesn’t make me want to be young, though,” he said. “I’m glad to have earned my age.”
The spectator literally feels the spirit of the early days, full of adventure, rather than viewing the transition between the 1940s and 1960s as an academic illusion. and the start of the present,” he said.